We’ve found the BEST pizza in Madison Wisconsin!

You may already know this, but our favorite pastime next to traveling is trying restaurants! We are always looking for the best pizza and tacos! So I decided to list who we think has the best pizza in Madison, WI.

** check out where we found the best tacos in the Madison area **

Since moving to Madison almost five years ago, we’ve tried some fantastic pizza! Here are our favorites in the area! (in no particular order)

Best pizza in Madison Wisconsin, pizza madison wi delivery,


1805 Monroe Street, Madison, WI 53711(608) 257-2120

We were told about Pizza Brutta by some clients of ours! His family is from Italy, and they RAVED about the pizza! So we had to check it out!

Pizza Brutta had individual pizzas that were baked in a fire oven! I love wood-fired pizzas, as it adds a fantastic taste and crips crust! This is a perfect place for the groups that can’t decide on just 1-2 kinds of pizzas! They can get their own! Plus, it’s great if you are short on time!


10 North Livingston 608.305.8885 / 5511 Monona Dr. 608.305.8611 / 912 East Johnson St  608.238.6040 / 121 E. Main St Sun Prarie 608.318.1761

Salvatores Tomato Pies is our all-time favorite place to get pizza! Justin loves the Fat Uncle Tony, and I love the Forza! We haven’t been to the one in Sun Prarie, but we love the one on East Johnson Street! It is small, so you may have to wait! But it is SOOO worth it! Both places take reservations too!

Major BONUS is that Salvatores has the BEST gluten-free crust I have ever had! It comes from a bakery in Milwaukee! So yummy!


8452 Old Sauk Road (near Junction Road) Madison, WI  53562 / 2903 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53705

We found Novanta’s when we were looking for a close place to get pizza near our apartment in Middleton. It is like Pizza Brutta, and we can’t decide which one we like better!

It is quick, easy to get to, easy to park, and close to many other things in Middleton. If you are in the Middleton area, this place is a must for pizza!

Did I miss anywhere we must try!? Comment below!

Best pizza in Madison Wisconsin, pizza madison wi delivery, Best Gluten Free Pizza in Madison WI

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