Book Reviews

Four Must-Read Books! Something for everyone!

Wow, I have been reading so many good books lately! It is the best way I start my day, along with a fresh cup of coffee and kitty cuddles!

Today I am reviewing 4 books for you all! Two are about World War Two, one is a murder mystery, and one is an adorable book written from a dog’s perspective!


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The same author writes this one as The Couple Next Door that I reviewed a bit ago. This is a SUPER easy read! It keeps you wanting to keep reading! So many questions while you read, and it keeps you guessing!

A must read if you are a Mystery Book Lover like I am!


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To be fully honest, I didn’t love this book, but it is adorable! As it is written in the perspective of the family dog! It’s rather awesome how the author got into the mind space of what the family pet may be thinking.

A must read for the animal lover!


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This book started my new obsession with reading about WW2! As a history buff, it was awesome and sad the new information I learned while reading this. When it comes to your world’s history, you cannot learn or know too much! Schools can only teach you so much. Take the time to reach out and find amazing books like this!

While reading it, I had to take a few breaks, as it’s so freaking sad. It also made me so angry! Angry that people are so cruel! That HUMANS can hate another HUMAN for being different. That WW2 started because of hatred that grew one seed at a time.

This book also shines a light that people found love during such a dark time. That humans have a strong ability to live, at any cost! They found beauty and light in a world that was against them.

This book is a MUST READ for all!


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If you are going to read The Tattooist, you MUST also read this one! It is a continued story of one strong woman who made it through the war. Yet, once she was freed from Auschwitz, she was imprisoned. She did what she needed to survive, and it caused her to lose more years of her life.

I also had to take breaks from this one as I didn’t know that some didn’t get a new life after Auschwitz. This book is filled with information that I did not know, and I think it’s important to know.

What I love about books is that they aren’t just entertainment, they teach you something. Not only about our history, but about human nature, love and adventure! Along with so much more!

My book reviews don’t tell you what the books are about as I want you to read them! Look them up, see if they are your thing! These reviews are solely my thoughts on how beautiful, ok or must-reads they are!

Have any book recs? Comment Below!

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