Fun Date Night Ideas in Madison Wisconsin

We are always looking for fun date night ideas that aren’t just dinner and a movie. So we are sharing some of our favorite date night ideas.

We used to live in walking distance to this fun place, and we’ve missed it since we moved. Vitense Golf Land is the perfect place to have a fun date night! You can do 1-3 courses – we’ve done all three recommend just doing the 2 outside if the weather good. If it’s raining there a course inside that you can do – plus a small arcade! We just love the outside ones so much more!

Why are the outside ones so much more fun? Well some holes are interactive! You can climb things, slide down things & so much more! Plus, it’s outside!!!!! Every chance to do something outside in Wisconsin is worth it! We have such long winters you need to get out and explore as much as possible!

You don’t have to plan huge and fancy date nights, you can have a relaxing date night over put put golf! Play mini golf while drinking your favorite cocktail! Yes, you can drink and mini golf!

Mini Golf not enough fun!?
You can also do so many other things like:
  • Batting Cages
  • Climbing Wall
  • Water Wars – perfect for a HOT Summer Day!
  • Aeroball
  • Jumpshot
  • Arcade
  • Remote Boats
  • Or get on a Volleyball League!

When we are done playing we usually walk across the street to grab some ice cream from Micheal’s! Our go-to place!

Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin, Teva Sandles
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin
Date night ideas in Madison Wisconsin, Mini Golf Madison Wisconsin, Travel Wisconsin

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