Must watch horror movies of 2021

Must Watch Horror Movies you can Watch Online!

October brings up all the spooky feels! I am a sucker for a good Horror movie! I am also one of those weird people that LOVES to watch them when I am stressed out. They help me relax but release something inside of me. This article goes more into it!

These are the horror movies we watch nearly EVERY year! Most you can watch online on Amazon Prime or Netflix!


The Scream movies are a classic must-watch, as I grew up watching them! I am STOKED for the new one combined out in 2022!!! It is funny, though, after watching them so many times. I can tell who the killer is right away just because I have seen them so many times. I can tell by how they are acting!

They are rather funny today too! The way they make fun of horror movies all while making one!


These are another classic! But, I don’t like the early ones, as the acting is just too bad for me nowadays! But I LOVE the newer ones starting 1995! I am also stoked for the new one coming out this year! Will it be the end of the story!? The future that we’ve all been anticipating for a few decades???


Do you see a theme here? I LOVE movies that keep going! The Conjuring Movies are so good that I get SUPER excited every time there is a new one! The main reason I love them is that they are based on actual events!

Justin and I are significant believers in ghosts. Mainly because I grew up across the street from a church and next to a cemetery. I am still pretty sure I saw a ghost when I was a kid in our living room playing Nintendo!


This one is a bit different! It’s a psychological horror movie! IT will also have you whirling after you’ve finished it too! We were talking about it for a while afterward! The Invisible Man is a must-watch, but not when home alone!

What is your favorite horror movie? Comment below!

Must watch horror movies of 2021

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