Search Results for: CAMPING



CAMPING SEASON IS HERE in the MIDWEST! YAY! It’s that time of year! School is getting out soon, and you’re planning your Memorial Weekend and Summer Camping trips! Family camping can be stressful, but my sister and I are here to help! Below you will find a little checklist that my sister made of what…



The Randomness of Christine & Justin Our Real Life, No Bullshit Travel, Kitties, Books & Things I Love! All Photos by Natural Intuition Photography Life is a bit messy, so let’s leave the perfection bullshit at the door. Alongside Justin, we have strived to live a happy life for the past 15 years. Not a…

FAVORITE SWEATSHIRTS to stay warm this Winter!

FAVORITE SWEATSHIRTS to stay warm this Winter!

Find the perfect sweatshirts for winter and layering as the temps lower! Layers are your friend when the temperatures dip, right!? I LIVE in sweatshirts, as they are soooo comfortable! So I will share my favorite sweatshirts that I live in for the chillier months! 1. Picket Recycled Polar Fleece Hoodie from Passenger I found…